


What is Hyperplasia? How Is It Treated?

When the size of the tissue or organ increases the number of cells, the cells are stimulated. Hyperplasia is the adaptation form of these incoming stimuli. The number of cells increased from these stimuli will increase. At the same time, tissues and organs grow rapidly with it. Hyperplasia occurs in cell types that synthesize DNA. In this regard, the majority of Hyperplasia occurs after hormonal conditions. Today, the cause of breast enlargement in pregnant mothers is due to hyperplasia. Excessive growth in the muscles of athletes and athletes is also Hypertrophy, not Hyperplasia. Hyperplasia is the opposite phenomenon of atrophy.


What Does Hyperplasia Mean in Medical Language?

The increase in hyperplasia due to the increase in the number of cells in the tissue or organ is called hyperplasia. It is used for fatty tissues and weight problems. Some of the weight problems are considered hyperplasia. It is not easy for people with hyperplasia to lose weight. When a part of the liver is surgically removed, the cells multiply and help restore the liver to its original state.


This condition is called physiological hyperplasia. Pathological hyperplasia occurs as a result of overstimulation of hormones. It occurs as a result of hyperplasia in warts that appear on the body. In the case of hyperplasia, the cells are stimulated to multiply. The adaptation process that occurs as a result of these stimuli is called hyperplasia.


Hyperplasia Symptoms and Treatment Methods

It is necessary to pay close attention to the symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia. Especially as soon as these symptoms are seen, it is absolutely necessary to go to a health institution. These symptoms include heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding. At the same time, in some women, menstruation can be seen in periods shorter than 21 days. There may also be unusual menstrual bleeding between menstrual periods. One of the symptoms of this disease is postmenopausal uterine bleeding. In addition, during this period, menstrual bleeding in women is much more painful.