The facial nerve is a function to which we owe the aesthetics and mimics on our face. Movement orders from the brain are transmitted to our face via the naïve nerves, so we can make gestures using our facial muscles. If there is a disease in the brain or facial nerve, facial acting may decrease or disappear. This condition is called facial nerve neuteritis, bell's palsy, or facial palsy.
Causes of Neuritis of The Facial Nerve
Facial paralysis; It may occur due to damage to the brain, brain stem and facial muscles. If it is lost from brain lesions, it is called central facial paralysis. If it occurs due to facial nerve diseases, it is called peripheral facial paralysis. Neuritis of the facial nerve, which is peripheral facial paralysis, can have many causes.
Bell's Palsy; It is the most common cause, but the exact cause is unknown. The causes of Bell's palsy are thought to be the herpes simplex virus and exposure to extreme cold. Bell's Palsy treatment is highly successful.
Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome; It is a syndrome caused by the Harpes Zoster virus, which also affects the ears. The success rate in treatment is between 50-60%.
Otitis media; It is known that middle ear infections also cause Neuritis of the facial nerve disease. Inflammation in the middle ear can reach the facial nerves by melting the bone around it.
Chronic diseases; Chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, acceleration infection, nerve inflammation, B12 deficiency can also cause inflammation of the facial nerves.
Tumors; Tumors in the areas of facial nerves can cause facial nerve neuritis. 5% of facial paralysis is due to these tumors.
Traumas; Blows to the face and head can damage the facial nerves and cause facial paralysis.
Facial Nerve Neuritis Symptoms
Symptoms of facial palsy with facial nerve neuritis include:
- Percentage sagging
- Inability to make gestures
- Difficulty making gestures
- Drooling
- Ache
- Sensitivity to sound
- Loss of taste
- Disruption of facial symmetry
Treatment Options
Treatment options for facial nerve neuritis include:
Medicines: Anti-inflammatory medicine and medicine to relieve facial pain are used. If there is damage to the ear and eye with facial paralysis, they are also treated separately.
Physical therapy: Paralyzed muscles may shorten or weaken over time. Therefore, physical therapy is performed to patients with facial nerve neuritis.